Monday, August 15, 2011

My Social Life on the Internet

By reading the title I wrote above, I hope that I’ve already made myself clear that I will not wrote some technical technological essay on facebook or twitter; or even how it has changed everyone life for the last 5 (five) years or so. Well, of course I am not a competent person to write such articles, so I would not dare to do so.
Before we continue, I’d like to say that I have an account here at blogspot, Facebook, twitter, linkedIn. I also have account on MySpace, Friendster and Multiply but I don’t use them very much lately.
Since I am not a person who is actively post status update on facebook or tweeting on twitter, I consider myself as someone who received the privilege of having the ability to observe everyone using my laptop or smart phone. I didn’t have to ask for them to share their updates, but it’s all there for me to see.
I am more comfortable to share my ideas and opinions via this blog where I’ve become member since February 2004.

Joining a Religious Discussion Group
Around 2 (two) or 3 (three) months ago, I received a notification of my facebook account that I have become a member of a group called IQRO (an Arabic word that means Read). I usually ignore or even remove myself from the group. I was lucky that I didn’t remove myself from the group since I start to notice that this is a very active group. There are many issues, topics discussion shared within the group. The group has become one of my learning sites and has brought me so many new knowledge and ideas. The beauty of this is that it’s all there right at your fingertips. I didn’t really care who the members of this group are, from what organization they came from, are they all someone who teach religion on daily activities (ustadz) or even whether they used real name or not. Still, all the discussion has become a valuable reading resource for me. I guess I owe Mr. Anzya thanks for inviting me to this group

Having some Young and Junior Friends
Its true when someone says that young person learn better and faster than older one. Almost all of my niece and nephew had their own account on Facebook or Twitter, while their father and mother had not. Some of them even have more than one account….gosh,,,,.@#$*

As a person who like to observe, its quite interesting and (most of the time) funny watch them using the media. Reading status or tweets around issues like; frustration when doing homework, getting into a dispute with fellow classmates, or even stating that they are huge fan of a boy band. Yes,,,if you already figure out what the band is, it’s the band where most of the member can’t even sing at all.

This entire social media trend that many experts predict would not last has not happened. Nobody actually knows when this phenomenon will end, or even grow to a bigger scale. Not only that big player have their own kind (ex. Google with Google+), but also due to the significant growth of smart phone that made access is very easy; it is very possible that social media technology will still be around for many years to come.

So expect the best (or worse) of it.


Andy Syah said...

terimakasih banyak atas apresiasi antum thd group IQRA'.

tak lain saya berharap, group ini menjadi ajang saling berbagi, sekecil apapun itu...

semoga dari group yg kecil ini bisa memberikan sdikit dorongan pd perubahan umat manusia kepada yg lebih baik.

Jazakallah, tulisan yg bagus, bhs inggrisnya apik, dan sy sangat enjoy dg tulisannya...

Salam buat isteri dan anak dan keluarga besar,

walaikumsalaam wrwb.

cholil said...

Terimakasih Pak atas komentarnya.